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The Approach

“Twist With Me”

Since the beginning, Sweet Papers has been on a mission to be the leading luxury brand in the rolling paper industry. Sweet Papers brought a new approach to breakthrough in lifestyle. The worlds needs products that are naturally designed to enhance the users experience.

Sweet Papers only makes high-quality & eco-friendly products that improve your experience, and we offer a change to the typical norms.  We enjoy providing our unrefined natural hemp paper, and we will always keep it pure and simple for both all of us.

The Vision

Made to burn slow and steady. Each sheet is formed out of organic hemp. The gum is 100% natural, vegetarian, certified GMO-free and totally organic. It sticks well and lasts long. Sweet Papers are the choice for anyone who prefers a complete organic experience. Our hemp is grown and harvested on organic farms. The ultra-thin papers are unbleached and unrefined, you can even see variations of fiber and texture of leaves depending on that years harvest. These papers are just as mother nature intended, Natural & Sweet.

What We did

Art Direction


Brand Messaging

Brand Strategy

Brand Identity


Marketing & Activation

Web Design


Packaging Design

Industrial Design

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